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Hello and welcome to Life's Treasures & Golden Moments .  May the stories lift your spirits, give food for thought and touch your heart as you travel in your life journey. We are delighted that you have chosen to make us a part of your day.

Aug 16, 2020

Three Stories:

Summer Faith

A little girls faith recovers a lost item.

A Pound of Hope

A tiny puppy brings hope and comfort to a grieving family.

No Good Deed

A bit of humor to lift ones spirits.

Answered Prayers

Aug 16, 2020

Three Stories:

Summer Faith

A little girls faith recovers a lost item.

A Pound of Hope

A tiny puppy brings hope and comfort to a grieving family.

No Good Deed

A bit of humor to lift ones spirits.

Aug 1, 2020

Three short stories to give one food for thought, lift your spirits and make you smile.